Author Archives: ShubhsTarot

About ShubhsTarot

Contemporary Women, Spiritual , Believes in everything Cosmic , Unstoppable , Fearless but emotional at same time :-) - Tarot and Angel Card Reader -.Net Programmer - Alternate Therapy - Crystal , guided meditation. - Past Life Regression Therapist

Carona – Why so many are dying and why am I still alive?

Death is the most raw emotion of human being, true companion since birth the one we keep running from and ultimately have to meet. We all know this but be it Maya or something else we live in denial.

Past few days the things have become very ugly, its too close now, next of kin, next neighbor, aunt, grand parents added the horrifying scene of the cemetery. I normally don’t watch TV or news but these news will creep on you be on any social media channel you use. Just yesterday saw a video of a women reported walking in cemetery in Sam Shaan after dark and counting bodies, talking to people to prove that Govt numbers are skewed. Hell they are, always are and always would be! Don’t waste your precious time and endanger your life.

In my head was just imagining the conversation of the young reporter with her parents

Mom – Don’t go beta ladkiyaa samshan nahi jaati ( Girls dont go to cemetories)

Female Reporter – Maa yeh sab bakwaas batien hain, yeh andhvishwas aur Kumbh ki wajhese covid fela hain. Modi paagal jalad hain aur main logo ko sachai bata ke rahungi. ( All this is superstition, Modi is to blame, will go and expose him )

What truth? Do we know the truth? Can we ever know the truth? Can we accept truth if its front of us? The only truth right now is “Death” and it is inevitable, it always was and what the hell are you doing in your potentially last days blaming/gossiping/cursing/avoiding blame….

This will pass it will, it has and it has to. The fact behind it is that nature wants it, yes nature wants humans to continue which is proven by newborns being immune to Covid even when their mothers are not. Which means that universe wants human race to continue, our future might not be tied to oxygen cylinders as nature is creating a race naturally immune to the deadly virus.

Which further means there is hope! A divine balance would be created to nurture this new generation.

Now in case you have missed or I have (been out of practice), the point is 🙂 lets use the time we have effectively. Now either we can take out our old bucket list and sigh on missing on Rome or create a new one having the most difficult and meaningful tasks. Tasks which would eventually help us redeem our soul or whatever Good Karma points we can gather for us or the family so that when Yamraj or Hermes or Angels come we are prepared. If Death doesn’t kill us fear or anxiety of it does and hence lets beat the fear atleast…

  1. Firstly eat the ice creme or burger or pizza or Gajar ka Halwa you have been craving for, make one if you can.
  2. Ask for forgiveness, yes this is the best time to ask from forgiveness from any or everyone and I am sure they would forgive. People will pick up calls, read messages even from enemies if it starts with “SORRY TO…”. If not always good to do it from the heart
  3. Give forgiveness, use times like these to explore raw love don’t even have to say the words call/sms just to ask how are things…
  4. Be compassionate, just give some extra money to your maids and guards, you know how would have not survived without them. Donate to charities, listen to people and just be there.
  5. Do ‘OM’ chanting or prayers who know it does work, try it I believe it does
  6. Be kind to people especially kids around you, let them watch what they want, eat what they want for few days. Tell them its party time during summer holidays…
  7. Take lots of happy smiling pictures and share. Times like these I myself search for Kim’s post than news 🙂
  8. Play antakshri or shadow games with kids, it never gets old
  9. Instead of searching for new stuff watch old movies the K series, KKHH, KNPH etc or Hum Panch for that matter with popcorn. It doesn’t glue you to TV and you can finish your chores.
  10. Grow plants from seeds , its an amazing feeling which makes you feel closer to nature

If you are seriously ill or have someone close seriously ill and this post make you emotional let it flow. Its not easy, never was and never would be. Just see what you can do best for people who you would leave behind or who look upto you.

  1. Make a online Will just do it you can always redact it later. Its sad seeing grieving people fight publicly.
  2. Write a letter or record your words for your family so they can have sweet memory.
  3. If you are a parent right letters to your kid.

Please be very cautious asking others to do above, it might trigger opposite emotions in others. You do what you can from your side.

Lastly why them not me? Short answer your work here is not finish, its not end of your soul contract. It doesn’t make your more worthy or them less worthy, these things currently seem to be just beyond.

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Posted by on April 27, 2021 in Tarot


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Deal with your pain, once for all

Deal with your pain, once for all
Life is all about experiences. If we are here on Earth on temporary basis, and soul wish to learn why not experience it fully.

Your boyfriend getting married deal with it. Your career at stake deal with it. Not getting married deal with it.

Cry your heart out, shout loud, shut urself from world, be alone and introspect. Do it fully, own it as you are definitely at source of it in one way or other. The moment you realise that you are no longer a victim, you transform to be a survivor. You don’t just change you transform, it’s rebirth and this time you chose to create how you want to be! What you want to be known for !

These lessons would not be many take full advantage if it. Give yourself a timeline ( I give myself three days, I know masters who do in 3 secs ) to go through all stages deny – sulk- brood – play victim – blame – feel guilty – confused – alone… Then ask your angels to help you, your Gaurdian angels in heaven and your parents and others on earth. Don’t skip any step, own your shit and clean up your act!

Create another biggger better game for yourself and just take the leap of faith.

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Posted by on May 14, 2016 in Tarot



YES #AtPune now, I have shifted to Pune now to join my husband. Since June had been busy in shifting 2 houses, house hunting and settling down with new job and new place. Shifting is a delight for type A personality like me as it needs a lot of planning, organising and of course cleaning 😀 ( its all in the beholders eyes after all ). Though it was hard leaving my practice in Hyd but I guess it is always a part of bigger plan.

We rented out a 3bhk in Baner where one room is suppose to be my Tarot room, apparently everything else is setup except that. My house is huge infact can have workshops at my place. It’s surrounded by Baner hill ideal for trekking and have nomads having horses, goats and other animals living nearby.

Life has changed so much! Started actually living the married life a.k.a getting UP at 7:30 am, cooking ALL meals, DRIVING to office, spending more than 9 hours in office on regular basis and regular weekend cleaning. Yeah I drive to and fro to office now and already had 2-3 minor to major accidents but all is well now.

I had been procastinating doing readings lately. Delegating my client readings to my students in Hyd. They also did 2 events in Hyderabad and will share about that in another post under Tarot Reading @ Events. Infact now my sister has more Angel decks than me and is on way to enroll for CACR course too!

So how come I am writing a post now?, Angels have mysterious ways to get work done. I had a slight right shoulder dislocation on last Saturday at New Delhi station during my post Diwali vacation. All is well now only thing I can’t drive for a while. So today on returning from office realised not having house key and am currently locked out. All of a sudden my sis pings on fb auguring me to post a blog. I took it as a sign reason being 2 days back when I got locked out ( yeah again!) in my french windows balcony, I landed up creating Heart Healing workshop event in Pune on Scheduled on 10th Feb, planning to have it from my house and do a 5 day Angel hosting before that. Hopefully Pune young crowd looking for heart healing before Valentine’s day would be interested!

So from this weekend onwards I am again starting teaching a student Tarot, setting up my Healing room and do meditation, shall share pics.

Lastly please pray for people stuck in #ChennaiFloods.















Tarot Learning Workshop – 1st to 3rd May 2015

Just back from 6 days intense Family Constellation Training from Dr Newton Kondaveti. Proud to be a part of the batch of Soul Family which was chosen as first Family Constellators. I am so much feeling the flow and in gratitude would take some time to put in words.

Meanwhile, I launched my second Tarot Learning Workshop Level 1 in Hyderabad on 1st to 3rd May. This time few changes, instead of 2 days we would be having 2 and a half days workshop. Also would be introducing 2 Tarot Meditations instead of 1 as last time also we landed having two. Last day would be inviting all previous Tarot Readers friends @ Cosmic Healing to join in group discussion, Tarot Jam session and hand on practice.

Also price is reduced to Rs 11,000/- only. Group discount would get you another Rs 1000/- discount.

Check out earlier workshop details here :


Send me a mail at and will share the complete course sessions.

“Let Tarot be a guide to your day-to-day issues”



EMAIL ME or WhatsApp me or any further information @ 9985714012

Contact Us

* Venue : Madhapur || Banjara Hills
* Anyone who wants to repeat the course is welcome, reply back would let you know the charges.
Still thinking about it, find answers to all your questions in Tarot Learning FAQs

You can start your own practice and start earning within 1 month of Basic Course.

#TarotLearningHyderabad #OnlineTarotLearning #AdvancedTarotLearning #TarotReadingCourseHyderabad #OshoZenTarot #OshoZenTarotLearning.

#thecosmichealing #shubhstarot


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Tarot Events @ Leading Corporate bank

Tarot Events @ Leading Corporate bank

I know I am way behind my post updated, but these days mostly I update directly on FB. But yes it not same as writing an article about it. This one if for 8th March 2015.

So two days before Valentines day I had taken off to study for my final MBA exam ( BTW I completed my MBA and would share a post about it tomorrow ) when I got call from senior person from a corporate bank ( Hint ;-), my salary account bank ) inquiring about a tarot event. Since I was at home I invited him to drop around lunch to talk things. I was using a lot of affirmation to attract a potential Valentines Day event for Tarot and was happy to see things moving. This was part of their customer engagement initiative.

We spoke and we got into such nice discussion where I had to explain “what are angels?”. After sharing my experiences etc, to a very charming non-believer, we settled for a description that the little guys who help us. 😀

We were planning for a event on Valentines day but since i had exam that day and my Angel Therapy workshop on the day after i.e. 15th Feb, things were not working out. Infact each weekend on Feb I was super busy, next weekend was travel to Vizag for a friends marriage and the week after my Tarot Learning Workshop. So eventually we settled for womens day and sent the invites.


The invitation was for couples and the response was good and I reached venue on time. The setup was as above and the clients were all top working cream of Hyderabad. In any event the first few clients set the tone of the event. Fortunately my all clients kept the ball rolling, challenging me to give deeper insight which I could provide accurately.

From Real Estate Single Tycoons, to well established married couples, I was able to predict accurately and engage into conversations which a non believer could also understand and take chance to shift perspective. The highlight was the ISB grad who had won the Bill Gates award. A combination of Ace of Fire and Ace of Swords, very young dynamic person, total atheist who actually waited for his turn almost for 2 hours. After I could met his expectation, he was amazed by my readings, called a colleague who happen to cross by to come and must get a reading done. It was a proud feeling to contribute to people who are building our societies.

As usual it got extended by 2-3 hours, but was a good experience. As I had to leave for Kolkatta in next 4 days I wasn’t able to do any followup readings. Actually I have been travelling every weekend since, came from Pune Angel Therapy workshop event in morning and would be leaving for Tarot Reading , Angel Therapy Workshop, Oracle Angel Card Reading Workshop and launching workshop on Angel Abundance.

Know more about upcoming events at

Reach out to me on shubhrajain86@gmail,com or WhatsApp at 9985714012.

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Posted by on April 2, 2015 in Tarot Event


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Tarot Learning Workshop

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On 28 Feb and 1st April I had dream come true when with grace of God and Angels I was able to go first formal Tarot Learning Workshop. It was a great workshop with collaborative learning experience where everyone brainstormed and formed meanings of cards as a group.

This is quite different from traditional learning by book or just following rules. Though the true reason is I can’t remember rules myself :p, this unique way of learning helps to see the multi faceted cards from different dimensions. We also did a guided meditation to enter the world of Tarot and take journey inside the cards. It was great experience for many.

Each participant had deck almost two weeks before Workshop and were given 10 pre Workshop exercises to build their relationship with Tarot. So when we actually started the Workshop our level as a group was more than just a beginner. Also there were few who had been using decks on and off And could share their experiences and insights.

The group was so enthusiastic that they were able to learn not just one but two decks. Mostly people start their journey with Rider Waite deck but the reason I stressed on using one more deck and stressed on using Osho Deck was to broaden the view of Tarot, its symbol as multi disciplinary divinity tool.

Last but not least we did a loads of hands on practice with different spreads, 3 card, 5 card, situation analysis, personality prediction etc.

Woo I can go on and on. Though I am almost a month late in writing this article but it had been suppper busy lately.

Follow me on on various social media places to keep up to what I am up to these days 🙂

Interested in entering the world of Tarot.

Check out all the courses is


p style=”text-align:center;”>Also do join us on for next upcoming workshop!

Contact us or email at

Once again Thankyou Archangel Gabriel for being after me to work on my dream project!


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Accept Defeat Don’t Pretend

This is a very beautiful excerpt from the book “Power of The Heart”. Its resonates with what I want to advice or just share with many people out their who are in setback due to Mercury Retrograde creating issues at work, relationships or anything related to communication.

” When you are defeated and you suffer, don’t pretend that you are spiritually superior. Sit down and cry. Say “Oh my God, why did you forsake me ?” You are allowed to cry, you are allowed to be defeated, don’t try to avoid suffering, this is just cheating yourself. But give it a time frame, let’s say one week, one month whatever. And then suffer with all your strength. You know? Say, ” Okay, I am going to suffer, I am going to cry, I am not going to eat, I am going to eat a lot, I am going to do this, I am going to do that, I am going to complain, I am going to insult sometimes the divine energy. ” But then you say to yourself, ” Okay, this is part of life.” Don’t give up, you live this situation with the strength that you did not know you had. Don’t be coward enough to avoid suffering. Suffer! That’s not wrong.” #PauloCoelho

I myself had a major setback two days before my first workshop. It was very difficult for me to accept immediately. I can cry on top of a hat which I did almost the whole day. I had my last MBA exam the next day and wasn’t able to focus. I didn’t eat at all. Slept off woke up late on Saturday morning.

I had a few missed calls from a lady who was looking for a Tarot Reader for a luncheon party. She was a construction tycoon. I thanked Angels and immediately after reaching ITC Kakatiya, and a few interactions with clients forgot all about it. I started enjoying as guest flocked to my table deserting other reader’s table. I over ate the scrumptious lunch and went to write my exam and got an excellent grade.

Yes I was still pondering and brooding over the loss but I don’t have to go through all the drama again and again in my life. Its just an experience which calls for a learning.

And being in Past Life work ending life is no solution and actually making it more difficult for your next life. So please don’t give up just yet.

Saturday night after my exam I reached home to find my phone and TV not working at #ValentinesDay evening. I missed all my #RomedyNow movies. 😦 But I took it as a sign from Angels, to focus for my workshop and I did. I prepared a great ppt for my workshop in just four hours. Slept for 4 hours.

Sunday morning I reached the venue and happy Ro meet all the participants. The workshop was great. With help of Angels I could generate my self for almost 12 hours and participants loved it.

Again the ecstasy of workshop success died down at dawning of gloomy Monday. I could see I was trying to pretend all is well missing the opportunity to release by grieving.

I usually give myself three days times to sulk, go in my cave to crib and cry. I do that everywhere, in auto or in office. Just being honest to myself. And after some time like a epiphany the acceptance comes.

It takes time, with practice three days can be reduced to three minutes as the Landmark leaders do. I always remind myself of an anecdote when a Landmark leader got a news about his father’s demise few minutes before he had to lead a crowd of 300+ people. He took 3 minutes to grieve and generate himself. I still had a days time, my problem was too small and had only 8 people to lead.

So CRY your heart out, till you can let go and remember this too shall pass!

And I am there to hear out your story if you need. Share how do you cope up with sudden setbacks ? What is your cope up mechanism? Would love to hear. Post your thought in comment below 🙂

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Posted by on February 19, 2015 in Tarot


Heart Healing Workshop

Wow I am ecstatic to finally living and fulfilling my dream of designing, conducting and doing a workshop. I finished the slide pack in about 5 hrs a night before and slept only for 4 hrs. I had the perfect number of participants my fav 8 for this workshop too. The workshop went for almost 9 hrs, 12 hrs being at the venue interacting with participants. The group of all earth angels, all had major breakthroughs and went all out to resolve their issues and connect with their heart and guardian angels. Can’t sleep still…I am on high, thought of sharing some quick points and pictures. Thank you God and Angels to help me work on dream and life purpose. Big thanks to Preeti Chugh to help me create this …:)


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Valentines offer

Hi Friends,

2 more days to go to Valentines day. If you haven’t bought a gift yet this could be a last minute gift you want to give your loved ones.

Rose Quarts Pendant . Let me know if you want to pick up or want a nice wrapped speedy delivery to your loved ones ( can arrange for that also )

Rose quartz is often called the “Love Stone.” It’s energetic hallmark is that of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra. This stone of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. The high energy of quartz gives rose quartz the property of enhancing love in virtually any situation. Bringing love in to life and daily situations not only brings inner warmth, but it also lowers stress and soothes those around it. Rose quartz is a very happy and loving stone. You can read more about it here.

I personally am every benefited with Rose Quarts stone. My mom got 108 beaded mala of it and made we wear when she was looking matched for me. Less she knew I would connect with it so well and manifest my true love 🙂

It has such a soothing effect on yourself and helps to heal relationships, I think everyone should have one piece of it at least. Grab your now!


Rose Quarts Hearts @ Rs 500/- only

What are you waiting for ? Send an email at or WhatsApp me at 9985714012

#shubhstarot #thecosmichealing


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Posted by on February 12, 2015 in Events


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Happy Valentines Day Week


I remember this use to be most looked forward week in my school and college days. I use to celebrate each day with friends and some special friends too 😉

This time I am busy preparing for my Heart Healing Workshop instead. I guess Shaadi ke side effects. LOLZ


This workshop is not only for ROMANTIC relationships, but any relationship for that matter.


Thank goodness someone called me up while watching a movie and told about PLR. Since the academy was nearby, I just went to the academy and register for the course next day. I am not sure why I went for the course but I attended just with a ray of hope. It was miraculous for me to get up in morning and reach the venue also as I use to spend night talking over phone or crying. The first day I couldn’t see much but got aware of New Age Philosophy of Karma Theory. Next day I started seeing glimpses of past life mostly with my husband. I was ecstatic and shared with my people and all said I was just making it up. Still looking for answers I went for the 6 days residential course, for which I had to break some FD’s to finance it.

When me and my husband were struggling to convince our parents for inter-religion, inter-cast LOVE marriage I was looking for help everywhere. We were so madly in love that this had broken us very deeply. We were unable to move in any direction. We had been in relationship before but this time we just couldn’t accept not being part of each other’s life. I was more adamant to break this pattern. Logically we understood my parent’s point of views but my heart was not ready to accept. I remember I used to break down while coding on my desk and my team mates used to ping my husband ( then boy-friend ) asking to come and handle me. It was very difficult and it became more confusing for both of us when I used to get the so- called perfect IIT-IIM profiles. Who would not want an easy safe option? But, we believe in paving our own way. Those 6 days away from my husband, though physically away ,but meeting him almost 10 life times in Past Lives was so powerful. It made my belief so strong that yes I can trust him fully. In many of those past lives we were unable to marry to due to separate religion. I was confuse are we supposed to repeat those patterns or complete it. I also saw many life times related to my parents and in-laws. Understood the “WHY” behind all this. When we meet past life companion it’s not so easy to just let go.

There I was introduced to Angel Therapy by a co-participant. She was also a good Tarot Reader and yapped about how we can all invoke angels and ask their help to heal our relationships. I used to think we really cant change our destiny and only “special” people can talk t higher beings but this new information was liberating. Though she also predicted that chances of success are only 2 % I was more determined than ever.

In workshop we were taught how to “Connect with our masters” and that opened the channel for me. Upon returning I studied Angel Therapy religiously and practiced it. Those days there were only few therapist in India and I remember that I took some sessions from USA and paid in dollars. I use to regularly meditate, “Clear and Balance my Chakras” and started talking to Guardian Angels of my husband, parents, in-laws and did “Forgiveness- Giving and Receiving” and had powerful results. My parents agreed in just 11 days 😀 and my in laws had change of heart in 21 days.

I did Tarot Spells for self to “Call in my soul mate” and bless my marriage with my husband (if it’s for our highest good of course )

With my husband I shared all my past live experiences and he was able to relate with them. Under guidance of Dr Newton I worked on how we can break those past life patterns and created our marriage (date fixed) in just 40 days of the mandala mediation period.


I created this workshop consolidating all therapies I used to “CREATE MY MARRIAGE” for anyone out there having any issues related to love, marriage, parents, in-laws, friends, siblings etc. Usually each taking each session on weekends will take up to 3 months and would be time consuming and financially draining. Here, in just 1 say you can do all. If you want to discuss more about is this for you please write me an email.

Also many of our problems are also rooted in our Chakras and Emotions. Specially auto-immune disease, before age diseases and other hormonal issues, I would also be dealing with in this workshop.

 If you want to discuss more about is this for you please write me an email at

ONLY 5 seats left for workshop hence HURRY UP!

If you have been looking to buy gifts for your loved ones I would advise to go through the post about  2 yrs back for this

Valentines Day Gift – Beware of what not to give!

This is based on INDIAN or Vedic version of Signs. Like whom should you gift roses or chocolates. Whom not to gift watches or electronic stuff. If you are interested to know based on Western version check Keens blog.

Also we would be running our usual Angel Card Reading offer using Romance Angel Cards @ 20% discount

Contact me for a complete relationship analysis reading now


#TheCosmicHealing #ShubhsTarot


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