Tag Archives: Tarot reading at events

Tarot Events @ Leading Corporate bank

Tarot Events @ Leading Corporate bank

I know I am way behind my post updated, but these days mostly I update directly on FB. But yes it not same as writing an article about it. This one if for 8th March 2015.

So two days before Valentines day I had taken off to study for my final MBA exam ( BTW I completed my MBA and would share a post about it tomorrow ) when I got call from senior person from a corporate bank ( Hint ;-), my salary account bank ) inquiring about a tarot event. Since I was at home I invited him to drop around lunch to talk things. I was using a lot of affirmation to attract a potential Valentines Day event for Tarot and was happy to see things moving. This was part of their customer engagement initiative.

We spoke and we got into such nice discussion where I had to explain “what are angels?”. After sharing my experiences etc, to a very charming non-believer, we settled for a description that the little guys who help us. 😀

We were planning for a event on Valentines day but since i had exam that day and my Angel Therapy workshop on the day after i.e. 15th Feb, things were not working out. Infact each weekend on Feb I was super busy, next weekend was travel to Vizag for a friends marriage and the week after my Tarot Learning Workshop. So eventually we settled for womens day and sent the invites.


The invitation was for couples and the response was good and I reached venue on time. The setup was as above and the clients were all top working cream of Hyderabad. In any event the first few clients set the tone of the event. Fortunately my all clients kept the ball rolling, challenging me to give deeper insight which I could provide accurately.

From Real Estate Single Tycoons, to well established married couples, I was able to predict accurately and engage into conversations which a non believer could also understand and take chance to shift perspective. The highlight was the ISB grad who had won the Bill Gates award. A combination of Ace of Fire and Ace of Swords, very young dynamic person, total atheist who actually waited for his turn almost for 2 hours. After I could met his expectation, he was amazed by my readings, called a colleague who happen to cross by to come and must get a reading done. It was a proud feeling to contribute to people who are building our societies.

As usual it got extended by 2-3 hours, but was a good experience. As I had to leave for Kolkatta in next 4 days I wasn’t able to do any followup readings. Actually I have been travelling every weekend since, came from Pune Angel Therapy workshop event in morning and would be leaving for Tarot Reading , Angel Therapy Workshop, Oracle Angel Card Reading Workshop and launching workshop on Angel Abundance.

Know more about upcoming events at

Reach out to me on shubhrajain86@gmail,com or WhatsApp at 9985714012.

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Posted by on April 2, 2015 in Tarot Event


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