Healing Job Conflicts

Dear God,

My deepest desire is to be happy while I work, and I ask Your help so that I may find peace on the job. Please help me to be understood and understanding with everyone with whom I come into contact. Please clear me of any fear that trigger relationship conflicts in the work-place. I ask that You and the angels guide me to job responsibilities and tasks that match my interests and skills. I now visualize myself feeling happy when I wake up to go work in morning, and I ask Your assistance in manifesting this vision.


Few days back I had shared an Affirmation for New Job, for those of you who want to stick around with their current job waiting for a raise, or working your way towards a promotion or just dealing with conflicts this is the affirmation you shall relate with.

So just light a red or orange candle, use below picture of cards. The cards I chose are Passion depicting Archangel Haniel of Archangel Oracle Deck and Solar Plexus Chakra from Angel Therapy Oracle Card Deck. Solar Plexus chakra is our power center just 2 fingers above the navel. If its balanced it would be of vibrant orange color else would get muddy due to impurities. Often when we loose our power so that last card Take Your Power Back of Archangel Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue.

Passion SolarPlexusChakra take back your power

Do let me know your experiences in the comments below.

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