Tag Archives: Angel

2015 Tarot Predictions Shooting @ ABN Andhra Jyothi TV Channel

YAY! Its a hat trick me on TV again and this time LIVE!!


This time Mr Shade from ABN Andhra Jyothi Channel contacted me for doing a 2015 Tarot forecast show. He asked me that would I be comfortable doing it LIVE show this time and taking callers queries on the show. I was very excited and confident, only concerned about the schedule as 31st Dec is my husbands birthday and I had planned many things. Good thing was I wasn’t travelling out of Hyderabad this time for new year celebrations.

On 31st evening 2 pm, the format of the show was finalized over the phone. Since the show would be live, I had to provide some points of predictions in advance so that they could be displayed on the show in Telegu. It was quite pressing for time as I had a movie planned at 4:30 pm – “PK”, followed by new year party 31/12 at N Convention.

Immediately I invoked Angels for guidance and called my mom. My mom suggested we combine Tarot and Astrology and we both discussed and did readings for all signs with respect to Tarot Cards, Angel Cards and Astrology for more than 2 hours. We recorded the discussions but the hardest part was to write the transcript. The interesting part was even my family was going for same movie in Delhi around same time. Me and my sis with help of multi-tasking ingrained in our family and with the power of android phones in our hand, wrote transcript for each Sun Sign listening to the recording and exchanging emails, all this while getting ready, rushing to theater, watching the movie, during intervals , rushing for new year party and eventually partying 🙂. Each Sun Sign prediction was first written and then sent to my mom for review, after approval and correction was sent to the show director. We could finish all not before 1 am on 1st Jan 2015.

We came back from the party around 2:30 am and slept off exhausted. On 1st it was next to impossible to get up and get ready as we had body aches, that what happens if you dance after a long time. We got up at 7 am and I was trying to remind myself the struggle of each actor to look good the next morning and motivating myself too 😉. My husband helped me select my dress and pack my props. This time I carried two main new things, one was Ganesh idol which I had received as a marriage gift and another was my crystal angels figurines. We reached on time and were ready for the show by 10 am.

The program went well with a lot of impromptu discussion with the anchor about what is Tarot ?, how Tarot  card readings are done etc. I also explained a bit about Angel and Tarot Reading, Angel Cards and affirmations. On the show I used “The Mythic Tarot Cards” and “Magical messages from Fairies Angel Oracle Cards” using a 12 card spread. I also did 2015 predictions for political figures like Mr Narendra Modi , Mr Chandrababu Naidu and Mr KCR followed by predictions for Indian Cricket team  and Obama Visit to India.

I could not have done this without my family support. My mom with her amazing knowledge explained the movements of Saturn this year in each and every Zodiac Sun Sign so easily. Then my sister for her efforts and last my husband for his patience and support, not getting upset about me working when we were supposed to be partying.

I will be sharing the YouTube video of the show and also detailed prediction of each Sun Sign tonight. Yes it would be third long night in a row but I am loving it!


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Meeting milestone 2100+ followers

Yay! My blog has crossed a milestone! 2100+ followers I am super delighted. This seemed to be impossible until last year and can just think of the “Success Card from Osho Zen Tarot Deck”.

As a celebration and acknowledgement for all my readers I shall be sharing Angelic Affirmations for our common areas of concern like relationship, money, career, health along with the Angel picture so that you can chant it, affirm it and create for yourself.

Success by Osho Zen Tarot Card
Success by Osho Zen Tarot Card

I thank God, the Angels, the Archangels and my inner wisdom to guide me reach out to all you people.

Today I shared a post for Relationship Harmony. Look out for what’s in store for tomorrow.

If you need any specific affirmation for healing particular relationship, career, finance,family and health issues do contact me at

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Posted by on October 2, 2013 in Angels, Lifestyle, Motivational, Tarot


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Relationship Harmony

Relationship Harmony

This prayer says all,

Thankyou Archangel Raguel , for healing my relationship with _____and helping us both to let go, forgive, and have compassion for the other person’s point of view.

Courtesy Doreen Virtue Archangels 101

If you need any specific affirmation for healing particular relationship, do contact me at


Posted by on October 1, 2013 in Angels, Lifestyle, Motivational


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Deep Emotional Detox

I found this wonderful article my Doreen Virtue and felt obligated to share. These days when we are going about our daily schedule harbour so much of animosity for people around us, like the bus/cab/autowala whom you nagged with for fair fare. Your boss who didn’t let you go early, colleague who didnt help you, friend who didn’t answer your call…there is so much of anger. Hence, I recommend doing this for sometime on weekly basis if not daily and detox yourself emotionally.

You can unleash the full power and positive force of your intuition through a “forgiveness session.” Based on the work of author John Randolph Price, here is a method that works miracles in clearing away negativity from your body and your life. This method takes about 30 to 60 minutes to complete, but it is SO worth it! Also, it’s important to repeat this exercise regularly, just as you would with a physical detox.

Go to a room where you’ll be alone and uninterrupted (put a “do not disturb” sign on the door and turn off the telephone ringer) for at least one hour.

On one or more sheets of paper, write the name of every person or animal (living or deceased, personally known or unknown to you) who has ever irritated or infuriated you. Start with whatever name comes to mind, and keep going. You’ll likely remember the names of people you haven’t thought about in years. If you can’t recall their names, but just their persona, write whatever descriptive phrase comes to mind (such as, “The girl who sat next to me in science class”).

Most people have a very long list, and usually their own name appears near the top. Next, say this phrase to each person on the list one by one (either mentally or aloud): “I forgive you completely and release you now into the love that is the truth about us both. I only retain the part of our relationship that is healed and based in love. I ask that all effects from mistakes from the past be undone and forgotten forever in time.”

Remember that you are forgiving the person, and not necessarily their actions (which are false illusions of the ego, no matter how hurtful they were). This forgiveness session will go further toward lightening your spirit and ultimately lightening your body than just about anything else you could do.

During the days following your session, you will see or dream about people who remind you of some names on your forgiveness list. This is no accident or coincidence, but is the Holy Spirit’s way of showing you which persons you still hold grudges toward. As you get these reminders, keep saying the paragraph of release above, or pray for spiritual intervention to help you completely forgive. The more you release, the more that negativity will reduce or even vanish from your life.

(Excerpted from the book, “The Lightworker’s Way,” by Doreen Virtue)

Let me know your experience with this session.

If you want personal guided session do contact me @

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Posted by on July 23, 2013 in Angels, Lifestyle, Motivational


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Sleepless In Night, Try These Tips

GoodNightSleepRaphealI meet a lot of people during my practice who complain about they are unable to sleep. Sometime when I am using my ‘Rapheal Healing Oracle Cards’  I would get the above card for them. I myself have faced a lot of sleep issues. My mom use to give me a big glass of milk with chocolate before sleeping daily, to help me to sleep better.

There can be various reasons for being unable to sleep at night. Some of the well known factors are:

  1. Stress and Anxiety : Anxious about getting up early the next day or worried about something! This is the most common reason for people to unable to sleep
  2. Screwed up Sleep cycle : Not maintaining a sleep cycle , getting up late one day , sleeping early the other. This tends to confuse the body clock; should it sleep or be awake
  3. Sensitive to Moon Cycles : Many people are sensitive to moon cycle and they are not aware of it. They would have varying energy level especially on Full Moon and New Moon nights or during lunar eclipse. Best way to deal with it is the knowledge that its common and light a candle and meditate.
  4. Simply Nocturnal : Like me you may be a night person and have high-efficiency and creativity levels during night. The whole world would suggest getting up early is very important, but I guess this is our nature. Stop criticizing yourself for that and accept it. If you sleep late then you would get up after 7-8 hours only. Hence, don’t put early alarms and self- criticise, procrastinate every time you snooze it. Accept it and plan your schedules accordingly. ( BTW I do yoga also at night sometimes…he he )

Besides the above stated reasons there are several other causes but lets focus on how to get around it and SLEEP !

  1. If you get nightmares at night, keep a Knife/ Holy Cross/ Om under your mattress.
  2. Mostly everyone experiences Astral Travel during sleep and feel thirsty post it. Hence, keep a glass of water next to your bed always.
  3. Have a spoon of yogurt or curd before sleeping.
  4. Keep a hand on your stomach and feel it breathing in and out. As your mind becomes in synch with your breath you tend to relax and sleep.
  5. Count backwards from 100 – 1, as your mind gets tired it allows your body to relax.
  6. Read a book during bed time. Pick the most boring book like Macbeth” , this book has always delivered 🙂

Last the most powerful method is for asking angel’s help to Sleep

” To My Creator / Dear God,

Please help me to get a restful and sound sleep tonight. I ask for a Archangel Michael to be present around me to protect my house and myself. 

I am willing to release all my cares and worries to You and the angels. I love you and trust you to guide me to my spiritual path.

Please send some comforting angels to my side so that I may enjoy a wonderful night’s sleep.

Thank You!”

Imagine yourself to be cocooned in a white light from head to toe.

Shh!! You are sleeping now, Good night 🙂

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Posted by on July 1, 2013 in Angels, Lifestyle, Motivational


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Miracles and Manifestations, for those who Believe


Thought comes before action. “Being”should call for action. I am sure we know that but then why are we so stuck at “What should I do “? Our mind is like a machine just playing games…what’s next, next and future. Cribbing about the past and worrying about the future. No now…where is now ?. We are happy for a moment we enjoy it, and then we want to control it and before we know we are again on – Oh wow it was so wonderful then! and When would it happen again ?

I don’t know why I wrote what I just wrote. Maybe because what I had been creating and affirming for a while, did not exactly happened as I wanted. It forced me to think what did I do wrong. I am a healer how can I not get what I want?

And just then I realised its my ego asking for it and not my inner wisdom.
“I” is my ego, which is stressing me out. Not letting me be happy. Giving me goals and making me run like a rat on a wheel… in circles.

So let me surrender now and leave my worries to the Angels.

Miracle is when u want something and whether you work for it or not, just with clear intentions, it happens.

Manifestation is when your every thought and action is in synch with what you want and it happens. Remember miracles do not happen all the time.

Take away from this, have faith, catch yourself when you are on that wheel and keep affirming!

After all everything happens for good.

Posted from WordPress for Android

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Posted by on June 27, 2013 in Angels, Lifestyle, Motivational, Tarot


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Angel Healing

Erik Berglund is an internationally renowned Artist and Healer and for me he is a living Angel. If you do not believe me visit his website and check yourself.

I happen to speak to him during one of the phone sessions and his voice is amazing. He can actually very accurately help you identify the root cause of your issue and suggest affirmations and number chanting for Angel Healing.

I followed his advice and was doing Angel Healing for my mom on 2013 first Full Moon night.

I kept her picture in front of me, drew some Reiki symbols and healing numbers on her pictures, played some soothing Angel voice music I found on web, burnt some aromatic candles and starting praying to Archangels to heal her.

Intuitively I felt I should use my Angel Cards for healing and I took my cards, shuffled them and pick out the number of cards I felt I should. I believed the cards which I get are the kind of messages for my mother. I started praying to all the Archangels of the cards in my hand to give her respective healing. For example I got an Archangel Ariel card of Strength and prayed the Angels to give her strength.

Similarly I started doing for my brother, sisters and friends. Just thinking about them would take a number of cards. Whichever Angel Card comes, I ask those Archangels to heal them.

Feel free to comment or like the post

If you are interested to getting an Angel Cards Reading done or Learning Tarot or Angel Cards , Call me 

Phone: 91-9985714012 


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Posted by on January 25, 2013 in Angels, Tarot


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