Tag Archives: Hussain Sagar

Saturn changes, time to resolve childhood issues

Continued from my earlier post which you can read here : I am not a Superhuman, just a little evolved

July 2013 Saturn position changed and brought many upheavals in my life. My negotiations started to change in last discussion stages, got me hospitalised, so many financial shocks and what not! :-). Its like knowing the bull will hit you, you are expecting and anticipating the hit, but until you are hit you do not know how bad is it.

So this is what actually happened, I was quite upset on Saturday not sure of what’s next and to relax myself I did some painting. Here’s my creation :

Its still under progress as you can see. When I shared the same with my dear friend, who was not able to control himself to criticize it and inspite of me trying to act not react things became sour. So on Sunday I evening after my classes I went to Hyderabad lake- Hussain Sagar, had some “Me” time, updated on Facebook “Cherishing bhutta and drizzle at Hussain Sagar, alone and not missing anyone”.

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Now how is that related to falling sick and getting hospitalised? I missed mentioning “Ice- cream“. My parents were pretty protective about me having street food and ice-creams during rains, and I thought I am single independent upset women I can do what I want and have ice cream. Violla – woke up the next day ( Monday 8th July ) with high fever, sore throat and back pain. Immediately took out my self medication weapons to fight it, hot water with salt gargles, Vitamin C and long sleep which got converted to deep sleep. No I was not in trance, I couldn’t get up from the bed due to weakness. I endured it for another day and Tuesday evening went to the hospital with a friend and crashed.

Now, what patterns were to break and what Saturn was trying to teach me by choking my favourite “Throat Chakra” ? Doctors were shocked to see “Acute Tonsillitis” at my age!! ( Lets blame the ice cream )

As mentioned July 2013 is all about resolving childhood issues and I have a bad sleep-awake cycle, which I proudly announce as being “nocturnal”, that just the way I am. I can easily stay awake the whole night, and that is what I have done past 1 month. I love the silence at night, the noise of the fan, sound of the ticking clock, and the howling of the street dog; perfect setup to study. But unfortunately it doesn’t sync with Nature and I have to change it.

When I read Sarah Varcas also saying the same, I was assured of what was happening was for good. See what she says

Change willingly than wait for a Saturn’s whip to change you! Look into your life and notice any such similar experiences this month. Do share with us and check if you need any remedies to resolve them.


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